Knitcircus Changes

The current economic situation means Knitcircus has to make some big changes; the current Winter Issue will be the last magazine.

But we've figured out a way to keep giving you great knitting content: Knitcircus will move to a weekly e-newsletter format, with interviews, reviews and techniques articles, beginning Tuesday, February 7th with Wendy Johnson's Three-Needle Bind-Off Sleeve Technique feature. 


If you're not already signed up for the newsletter, you can get on the list on the blog, on the top right column. (Names never sold or used for anything but newsletter delivery).

Watch for a website redesign to go along with the new format soon! 

More Knitcircus: Amy Detjen and I are recording Knitcircus Podcasts–listen in every second and fourth Monday! And join us at Knitcircus retreats; the Spring Retreat will be Madison, Wisconsin, April 14th, with designer and author Stephannie Tallent, Amy and me teaching classes on all kinds of knitting topics. 

The new formats allow for more and different advertising; if you'd like to know more, please email!

If you're a current subscriber, you should have received a notification this morning with special subscriber information. Please email me if you didn't see the notification and have purchased a subscription in the last few months,  including the Paypal address you used for the subscription. 

Take care and keep knitting,


10 thoughts on “Knitcircus Changes

  1. Hi, Kathy,
    If you’re subscribed to the newsletter, then you’re good to go! You’ll get the new newsletters when they come out. Some people have subscribed to the Pattern Collections as well (I know, lots of uses for the word ‘subscribed’) and they were the ones who received a notification this morning.

  2. Hi, Nan,
    Of course I remember you! The email was just tying up loose ends for people who had a subscription that would have extended to Spring or beyond. You’re all good and will definitely get the e-newsletter next week. 🙂

  3. Huge bummer. I really like KnitCircus magazine. The articles were interesting and being able to purchase many great patterns for a reasonable price was terrific. I will sorely miss your magazine. Please add me to your email list. I did not get your email announcement. Thanks.

  4. I’m so sad that knitcircus is ending the magazine. It will be greatly missed. I’ll be signing up on the blog for the newsletter. Thanks for bringing us so many great patterns at great prices and such fantastic information !

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